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Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago


for the Green Infrastructure Partnership Program

Pre-Applications are Closed to New Applicants
Please visit the Stormwater Partnership page for updates on the next application period.

Submit by December 31, 2024
To be considered for the program, a pre-application must be on file by the date above. Please fill out the pre-application below. We will review pre-applications as they are submitted and provide feedback. A link to finalize your application will be provided once Full Applications open early 2025.

Learn About the Program
Please visit the Green Infrastructure Partnership Program web page to learn more about Who Can Apply and What Projects are Eligible, How Funding can be Used to construct green infrastructure, and the General Partnership (IGA) Requirements for selected projects.

Draft Links: To save a draft, click Save Draft at the bottom of the webpage. A link to your saved application will be provided at the top of the page. Anyone with this link can edit, upload files, sign, and submit the application.

Questions: If you have any questions about applying to this program or have difficulty with the online application, please contact

Application Info

Tracking # and Applicant:
[webform_submission:values:tracking] [webform_submission:values:partner_short_name] - [webform_submission:values:project_title_internal]

Applicant Information

Must be a public entity able to enter into an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with the MWRD. Eligible public entities include municipalities, townships, and other local government organizations.

Points of Contact

Administrative Head or Executive of the Applicant

Individual that will sign and submit the final, full application to the MWRD. Examples include Public Works Director, Engineering Director or an equivalent position.

Application Preparer or Facilitator

Individual knowledgeable about the details of this application, authorized to prepare and review applications on behalf of the Applicant.

Provide Any Additional Contacts Below
Full Name Title Organization Operations
Existing Site Conditions
Does any part of the project overlap with the floodplain?
What type of sewer is the project area serviced by?
Project Information

Describe the proposed project.

Provide additional details in the Green Infrastructure Installation Summary section of this form.

Describe any non-green infrastructure site improvements included in this project.

Provide an estimate of these non-GI construction costs in the Project Finances section below. Non-GI costs are expenses not directly related to the GI installations, such as sidewalks, public amenities, ornamental fencing, lighting improvements etc. If these types of expenses do not apply to your project, please indicate that below.

Right-of-Way, Easements, and Land Acquisition
Are there any remaining easements or land acquisitions needed to build the project or access the project site?
Will any part of the project be built on property leased by the applicant or on property currently owned by another public entity or third party?
Green Infrastructure Installation Summary
Select the types of GI to be installed

For each type of GI selected, add EACH proposed location below and provide the information requested in each sub-section

Provide latitude and longitude in format XX.XXXXXX, -XX.XXXXXX. Both Bing Maps and Google Maps allow users to copy coordinates by right-clicking on a location and selecting the coordinates from the pop-up menu.

List each rain garden or bioswale location below.
Soil media provides depressional storage.
Raingarden Address / Intersection Latitude & Longitude Existing Surface Operations
List each native planting location below.
Only native plantings. No depressional storage provided.
Native Planting Address / Intersection Latitude & Longitude Existing Surface Operations

List each permeable pavement location below.

Permeable Pavement

List each green roof location below.

Green Roof Address Latitude & Longitude Operations

List each rainwater harvesting location below.

Rainwater Harvesting System Address Latitude & Longitude Operations

List and describe the type of GI to be installed below.

Other GI List
DRC Reimbursement and Funding Check

Design Retention Capacity (DRC) is comprised of (1) the constructed volume of stormwater stored within the stone void spaces built into the ground and/or that can pond on the surface of the green infrastructure (“Constructed Volume”) and (2) the volume of water that can infiltrate into the ground beneath the green infrastructure during a six (6) hour time period (“Infiltration Volume”). Optional: When finalizing your Full Application, you will be asked to calculate your project's DRC using the MWRDGC Stormwater Design Retention Capacity Calculator.

Select the municipality or township where the GI will be built in.

This project may receive $0 per gallon of DRC up to a maximum of 0% of the project's green infrastructure construction cost.

Project Finances Summary (From Section Below)

Estimated Total Construction Cost: $ 0

Requested MWRD contribution is for 0.00% of this project's GI construction costs.

Calculate your project's DRC using the MWRDGC Stormwater Design Retention Capacity Calculator.

Upload your calculations in the Attachment section.

  • The $/gal rate and maximum % noted above must be entered into the calculator. 
  • If your project is selected, the MWRD's funding amount is subject to change throughout the design phase of the project as dictated by the DRC calculator.
  • The CN & Runoff Volume tab must also be filled out for this application to check the 10-year runoff volume requirement.

Design Retention Capacity (DRC) is comprised of (1) the constructed volume of stormwater stored within the stone void spaces built into the ground and/or that can pond on the surface of the green infrastructure (“Constructed Volume”) and (2) the volume of water that can infiltrate into the ground beneath the green infrastructure during a six (6) hour time period (“Infiltration Volume”).

Project Finances

Estimate the project's construction costs below.

Under this program, MWRD funding can only be used to reimburse the construction of green infrastructure.

  • Eligible GI project costs are expenses associated with the improvements listed in the above GI installation summary and restoration directly related to the GI installations.
  • Non-GI costs are expenses not directly related to the GI installations, such as sidewalks, public amenities, ornamental fencing, lighting improvements etc.
Have you applied for or do you plan to apply for any federal, state or local funding for this project?
This includes other financial assistance such as loans or direct (cash) contributions.
Have you received or do you expect to receive any federal, state or local funding for this project?
This includes other financial assistance such as loans or direct (cash) contributions.
Project Schedule

The anticipated schedule for projects selected in 2025 are as follows:

  • Executed Intergovernmental Agreement: Deadline Dec 31, 2025
  • Design Completed: Deadline Dec 31, 2025
  • Construction Contract Award: Deadline Oct 1, 2026
  • Construction Completed: Deadline Dec 1, 2026